Hafta | Konu | Ön Hazırlık | Dökümanlar |
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Dersin Tanıtımı
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Devrim Nedir?
Devrimlerin nedenleri nelerdir?
Giriş: Devrim Yaklaşımları
J. Goldstone (2014). Revolutions: A Very Short Introduction (Chapter 1)
- D. Parker (2000). Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West 1560-1991 (Chapter 1)
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- 1649: İngiliz Devrimi
- 1688 : Politik Devrim
-D. Parker (2000). Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West 1560-1991 (Chapter 3 -4)
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- Anayasal Devrimler: Amerika, Fransa, Avrupa (1830-1848)
- J. Goldstone (2014). Revolutions: A Very Short Introduction (Chapter 6)
- D. Parker (2000). Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West 1560-1991 (Chapter 5)
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Fransız Devrimi: 1789-1799
-D. Parker (2000). Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West 1560-1991 (Chapter 6)
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1848 Devrimleri
-D. Parker (2000). Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West 1560-1991 (Chapter 7)
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19. ve 20. yüzyıllarda devrim gelenekleri
-D. Parker (2000). Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West 1560-1991 (Chapter 8)
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Ara Sınav
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- Komünist Devrimler: Rusya, Çin ve Küba
- Rus Devrimi
J. Goldstone (2014). Revolutions: A Very Short Introduction (Chapter 7)
-D. Parker (2000). Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West 1560-1991 (Chapter 9)
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Komünist Devrimler: Rusya, Çin ve Küba - Rus Devrimi
- Çin Devrimi (1949)
J. Goldstone (2014). Revolutions: A Very Short Introduction (Chapter 7)
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Komünist Devrimler: Rusya, Çin ve Küba
1959- Küba Devrimi
J. Goldstone (2014). Revolutions: A Very Short Introduction (Chapter 7)
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1979 İran İslam Devrimi
J. Goldstone (2014). Revolutions: A Very Short Introduction (Chapter 8)
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SSCB'de ve Doğu Avrupa'da anti-komünist devrimler
-D. Parker (2000). Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West 1560-1991 (Chapter 12)
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Arap Devrimleri/Baharı: Tunus, Mısır ve Suriye??
J. Goldstone (2014). Revolutions: A Very Short Introduction (Chapter 10)
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Final Sınavı