Hafta | Konu | Ön Hazırlık | Dökümanlar |
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Local Governments In Unitary Systems
Heywood, A. (2013) Politics. Fourth Edition, Basingstoke, [England] : Palgrave Macmillan. (pp. 385-389)
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Local Government Institutions I – The Legal Framework for Local Government Function and Services in Turkey
Metropolitan Municipality Law No. 5216 (2004)
Available at https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2004/07/20040723.htm
Municipality Law No. 5393 (2005)
Available at https://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/mevzuatmetin/1.5.5393.pdf
Law No. 6360 On Metropolitan Municipality System (2012)
Available at https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2012/12/20121206-1.htm
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Local Government Institutions II – Local Governments and New Public
Management Reforms
Tan, E. (2020). Quo vadis? The local government in Turkey after public management reforms. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 86(1), 115-133.
Çetin, Z. Ö. (2015). The reflections of new public management on local government laws in Turkey. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 36-36.
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Local Politics I: Local Elections and Political Representation
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (2019) Local elections in Turkey and Mayoral re-run in Istanbul, Available at https://rm.coe.int/local-elections-in-turkey-and-mayoral-re-run-in-istanbul-committee-on-/1680981fcf
Betts, A., MemiŞoĞlu, F., & Ali, A. (2021). What difference do mayors make? The role of municipal authorities in Turkey and Lebanon’s response to Syrian refugees. Journal of
Refugee Studies, 34(1), 491-519
Joppien, C. (2017). Municipal Politics in Turkey: Local Government and Party
Organization. Routledge
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Local Politics II: Decentralization Debate and Democratic Subsidiary
Principle in Local Governments
Akilli, H., & Akilli, H. S. (2014). Decentralization and recentralization of local governments in Turkey. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 140, 682-686.
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Local Policies I: Local Government Policies and Incentives for Promoting
Urban Development
Krebs, T. B., & Fleischmann, A. (2020). “Local Government Policy-Making and Services.” In Understanding urban politics: Institutions, representation, and policies. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. (pp. 204-225)
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Local Policies II: The Potential and Limitations of Policy Making in Under-Resourced Municipalities
Kayasü, S., & Yetişkul, E. (2016). Evolving legal and institutional frameworks of neoliberal urban policies in Turkey. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 31(2).
OECD The role of local governments in economic development policy
Available at: (oecd-ilibrary.org)
(Plan and conduct field work research on the case of SMEs operating in OSTIM Organized Industrial Zone located in Ankara, Turkey)
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Reflecting on the Conceptual Shift: From Local Government to Local
Shah, A. & Shah, S. The New Vision of Local Governance and the Evolving Roles of Local Governments, in Shah, A. (Ed.). Local governance in developing countries. World Bank
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Enhanced Local Governance: Municipal Innovation in Turkey
Ozcurumez, S. & Hoxha, J. (forthcoming in New Perspectives on Turkey) “Expanding the Boundaries of the Local: Entrepreneurial Municipalism and Migration Governance in Turkey”
Lowndes, V., & Polat, R. K. (2021). How do local actors interpret, enact and contest policy? An analysis of local government responses to meeting the needs of Syrian refugees in Turkey. Local Government Studies, 1-24. (develop creative and varied responses to meeting refugee needs)
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Participatory Local Governance: Citizen Representation and City Councils
Elif, G. (2020). A Critical Evaluation Of The City Councils In Turkey: Institutional, External Environmental And Legislative Aspects. OPUS International Journal of Society
Researches, 16(29), 2093-2107.
Gökçe-Kızılkaya, S., & Onursal-Beşgül, Ö. (2017). Youth participation in local politics: City councils and youth assemblies in Turkey. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 17(1),
Tosun, K. E., & Keskin, E. B. (2015). City councils as a means of local participation in Turkey during the EU membership process: the investigation of the awareness of the Bursa city council. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(3), 363-375.
Demiral, B. (2014). Urban civil structures effect in the development of governance concept in developing countries: the case of city councils in Turkey. Procedia-Social and Behavioral
Sciences, 143, 1006-1010
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International Aspect of Local Governance I: Europeanization and the local level
Gumel, F. (2017). The effects of European Negotiatory state of Turkey on local management. Journal of Humanities Insights, 1(02), 54-59.
Eliçin, Y. (2011). The Europeanization of Turkey: Reform in local governments. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi, (7).
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International Aspect of Local Governance II: International Organizations and Local Government Support
UNDP - Local Administration Reform
Available at: https://www.undp.org/turkiye/projects/local-administration-reform-project-phase-iii
UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) Available at: https://unhabitat.org/urban-profiling-in-humanitarian-and-development-contexts-a-guide-for-turkish-municipalities
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Presentation: Preliminary data and results of the field work
“The role of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality in developing training skills for SMEs operating in OSTIM Organized Industrial Zone located in Ankara, Turkey”